Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 27. 3. 2024

Representatives of EU member states approved the European Commission's proposals regarding farmers

Representatives of EU member states in the Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA) approved proposals of the European Commission regarding a support of farmers today. The Council of the EU informed about it. The proposals will now be considered by the European Parliament. The EU agriculture ministers will also discuss the current situation in agriculture at a meeting in Brussels today.

A price of cocoa has already more than doubled this year and is at a record 10,000 USD

A price of cocoa continues to rise to new records and today for the first time exceeded USD 10,000 (232,600 CZK) per ton. Among the main causes are supply concerns due to poor harvests in important growing countries in West Africa.

Eggs will be cheaper this Easter, most likely more Czech eggs will be sold

People will pay less for eggs this Easter than last year, and compared to the last year, there is no risk of a shortage. At the same time, more Czech eggs could be sold this year, as Czech eggs with a white shell will be added to the shelves.

In the Czech Republic, potato planting started earlier than usual, the area should not decrease

The weather allowed farmers in the Czech Republic to plant early potatoes earlier than usual, the first tubers were already in the ground in South Moravia at the end of February. Betting continues in Polabí and southern Moravia. In Vysočina, where later-harvested potato varieties are grown, farmers are preparing fields for them.


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