Summary of newsmakers from the previous day 12.10. 2005

Farmers will negotiate with Paroubek especially about agricultural budget

Representatives of the Agrarian Chamber with the Premiere Jiří Paroubek will negotiate on Thursday morning mainly about the agricultural budget for next year, present difficulties of farmers and also about a program of bio-fuels. A president of the Agrarian Chamber Jan Veleba said it to the ČTK. One of key points of the negotiations will be evening-up of basic agricultural supports – direct payments from the state budgets in the next year. The state can pay off 35-percent subsidies from Brussels to 65 percent of a level in old member states and this maximal increase is demanded by farmers. However, there is not enough money for this purpose in an agricultural chapter of the proposed budget. The Minister of Agriculture Petr Zgarba reported at the beginning of this week that the state should equal-up direct payments over 60 percents of the EU level to farmers. His idea is to reach at least 62 percents.

Ban of import of birds is valid also for the CR

A ban of import of birds and non-processed feather from Turkey due to avian influenza in west Anatolia, advised by the European Commission, was adopted on Monday 10.10. A spokesman of the State Veterinary Administration CR (SVS) Josef Duben informed about it today and added that the SVS received this decision yesterday evening 11.10., that is why its enactment is valid immediately also for the CR.

Purposes for decrease of agricultural subventions were accepted inconsistently

A declared effort of the European Union and the United States for a significant decrease of agricultural subventions did not meet a significant support in the world. The proposal was refused by Japan, India, Brazil and a non-profitable organization Oxfam. Both sides suggested a decrease of subventions because of a continuation of so called agenda from Dauhá, which was concluded almost four years ago and deals except agriculture also with other areas of economy.

EU approves probiotics

The EU approved an application probiotics BioPlus 28, as a feeding supplement for turkey-hens, for Danish company Ch. Hansen. As an supplement of feeds for pigs the preparation BioPlus was approved in 2004. The preparation contains probiotical bacteria and supports an increase of weight of animals. According to test it is shown that after the application of the preparation BioPlus 2B to sows a mortality of piglets decreases by about 7 % from the average 12 %. The European Food Safety Authority approved also an application of Lactiferm (Medipharm) and Fecinor (Norel), other probiotic additives determined for chickens. The preparation Fecinor was preliminarily approved also for piglets and calves.


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