- agrární portál


24. 9. 1999 | Odborné konference



Mária Užáková

Adresa autora :

PhDr. Mária Užáková, CSc., Katedra jazykov FEM, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, tr. A. Hlinku 2, 94976 Nitra, SR.


Článok prezentuje techniku osvojovania si zručnosti písania súhrnu prostredníctvom diagramovania textu. Diagramovanie textu je dôležitá mikrozručnosť čítania s porozumením, ktorá predpokladá identifikáciu podstatných informácii v texte . Osvojenie si tejto techniky dekódovania správy písomného prejavu a jej transparentné znázornenie supluje zároveň dôležitú zručnosť robenia poznámok, ktoré tvoria základ pre písanie súhrnu . Tento výsledný produkt potom predstavuje efektívnu integráciu viacerých zručností - čítania s porozumením, robenia poznámok a písania súhrnu.


This paper presents a method of summary writing through text diagramming. Text diagramming is a very important microskill of reading comprehension requiring the identification of relevant information in a text. A content organization diagram is used to distinguish essential themes . The acquisition of this technique of message recovery, and its transparent display, substitutes for note-taking which presently form the basis for summary writing. As a result, this product represents the effective integration of several analytical skills including reading comprehension, note taking and summary writing.

Kľúčové slová:

zručnosti, robenie poznámok, diagramovanie textu, písanie súhrnu

Key words:

skills, note taking, text diagramming, summary writing

V akademickom roku 1998 - 1999 FEM SPU v Nitre zabezpečovala okrem iných foriem vzdelávania ( denné štúdium, medziodborové štúdium, diaľkové štúdium ) aj špecializované diaľkové štúdium - Komerčný manažment, ktoré predstavuje ucelenú formu 6 semestrálneho štúdia posilnenú o výučbu svetového jazyka. Štúdium sa uzatvára obhajobou záverečnej práce a odbornou skúškou, ktorá pozostáva z dvoch častí :

· ústna skúška z odborného predmetu Ekonomika a manažment podnikov

· ústna komunikácia v cudzom jazyku k téme záverečnej práce

Pri vypracovaní záverečnej práce je naviac stanovený cieľ - súhrn, zhrnutie výsledkov a záverov práce v študovanom cudzom jazyku v rozsahu 4 - 6 strán. Splniť tento cieľ znamená venovať zvýšenú pozornosť nácviku a osvojovaniu tejto mikrozručnosti písomného prejavu.

Čo je súhrn, zhrnutie ( summary )? Súhrn je kondenzovaná ústna alebo písomná forma výpovede o už raz pertraktovanej predmetnej skutočnosti, ktorej cieľom je obsiahnúť všetky relevantné fakty pri rešpektovaní ekonómie slov. Moderná spoločnosť, ktorá je čoraz komplikovanejšia a navyše informačná explózia opodstatňujú pozornosť , ktorú venujeme zručnosti sumarizovania, pretože neschopnosť sumarizovať, kondenzovať a selektovať môže negatívne ovplyvniť prácu človeka a v našom kontexte hlavne štúdium našich frekventantov. Na rozdiel od M. Kouřilovej si nemyslíme, že písanie súhrnu v porovnaní s písaním abstraktu je nezaujímavá zručnosť písomného prejavu, keďže podľa nej pri písaní súhrnu ide iba o “numbered series of the main issues” ( Kouřilová 1996 ). Tento názor nezdieľa ani W.F.Mavor, ktorý radí “ do not make the mistake ow writing summaries of the parts of the original and then putting them all together as one” ( Mavor 1988 ). Rovnako ako písanie abstraktu aj písanie súhrnu vyžaduje myšlienkové spracovanie a selekciu faktov a najmä úspornpsť pri výbere slov, čo potvrdzuje aj nasledujúca citácia “summarizing is not something only for the Shakespeares of this world , but it is a basic, essential human activity and one which each of us uses many times each day throughout life “ ( Dennis - Sharp 1966 ).

V tomto príspevku chceme prezentovať vlastnú technológiu nácviku mikrozručnosti písania súhrnu, ktorá sa nám osvedčila v pedagogickej praxi. Základný materiál na nácvik sumarizovania nám ponúka priamo učebnica New International Business English ( Jones - Alexander 1996 ), ktorú používame v pokročilom stupni štúdia svetového jazyka a pri výučbe odborného jazyka. Unit 4 - Summaries, notes, reports - je východiskom k ďalšiemu nacvičovaniu nielen zručnosti sumarizovania ako aj podmieňujúcej a veľmi pre štúdium dôležitej zručnosti robenia poznámok. V rámci tejto lekcie sa študenti oboznámujú aj s rôznymi technikami robenia poznámok , ich výhodami, prípadne nedostatkami a obmedzeniami. Analýzou úloh sme zistili, že študenti potrebujú dlhší nácvik, aby si osvojili jednotlivé techniky robenia poznámok a boli schopni vybrať podstatné informácie , rešpektujúc pritom už spomínaný zákon ekonómie slov, čo neskôr rezultuje v produkte písanie súhrnu. Z toho dôvodu pokračujeme v technike osvojovania si tejto zručnosti formou doplnkových materiálov, pričom vyberáme dva materiály, uvedené v Prílohe, ktoré sme získali na 3 mesačnom jazykovom pobyte v Plymouth v r. 1996 bez uvedenia citovaného zdroja . Na týchto materiáloch precvičujeme techniku robenia poznámok formou diagramu (diagramovanie textu) a písania súhrnu , pričom zdôrazňujeme charakteristiky dobrého súhrnu: logické usporiadanie faktov, kompletnosť, jazykovú správnosť, presnosť a ďalšie.

Pri nácviku písania súhrnu sledujeme tieto štádia .

· dôkladné čítanie originálu s cieľom dekódovania hlavnej správy (message recovery)

· robenie poznámok formou diagramu

· napísanie konceptu súhrnu

· porovnanie s originálom

· finálna verzia súhrnu

V prvom štádiu poskytneme študentom cvičný materiál The Importance of Oil (Príloha č.1), ktorý je spolu s cvičeniami modelom pre diagramovanie textu a písanie súhrnu. Diagramovanie textu považujeme tiež za velmi dôležitú mikrozručnosť čítania s porozumením, ktorá predpokladá identifikovať základné problémy textu , odhaliť hlavné myšlienky, zámer autora a predstavuje efektívnejšiu reprezentáciu kognitívnej reality. Dôležité je tiež, že takto k čítaniu pristupujeme ako k textu a nie izolovaným vetám. V ďalšom štádiu nácviku diagramovania textu študenti pracujú s novým textom (Príloha č.2) a spolupracujú na interpretácii textu a vytvorení schématického zázmanu suplujúceho robenie poznámok, pričom selektujú relevantné informácie a transparentne vyjadrujú vzťahy, súvislosti, príčinu, dôsledok a ligvisticky vyjadrujú hypotetickosť tvrdení v danom texte. Spolupráca študentov na vytvorení diagramu je nevyhnutná z dôvodu, že každý jednotlivec inak percepuje a interpretuje daný text. Preto je potrebné, aby výsledný diagram bol produktom koncenzu pracovnej skupiny a študenti boli schopní produkovaný diagram efektívne použiť pri písaní konceptu súhrnu prípadne jeho finálnej verzie. Nakoniec študenti porovnávajú originál s konceptom súhrnu a dostávajú spätnú väzbu (Príloha č.3 ) o tom, ako sa priblížili k vystihnutiu relevantných informácií a správy originálneho textu.

Pri nácviku oboch mikrozručností- diagramovania textu a písania súhrnu - používame rôzne typy cvičení, napr. doplnenie diagramu, vytvorenie diagramu, redukcia alebo preformulovanie originálneho textu, interpretácia textu, výber z viacerých možností a cvičenia na rekonštrukciu myšlenkového zámeru autora (zisťovacie otázky). Rétorické funkcie (syntéza, hypotéza, evaluácia, referencia) sú tiež veľmi dôležité a venuje sa im pozornosť v ďalších fázach upevňovania učiva.

Veľmi dôležité je neskôr pokračovať v upevňovaní uvedených mikrozručností použitím autentických odborných textov a využiť tieto aktivity aj na precvičovanie odbornej slovnej zásoby pomocou cvičení, ktoré podľa H. Borsukovej “ sa vzťahujú na osobitosti odborného jazyka, ide napr. o existenciu logických a ontologických vzťahov, ktoré sa využívaju pre tvorbu pojmových systémov, častý výskyt grafických a nejazykových prostriedkov atď.” (Borsuková 1996).

Na záver chceme podotknúť, že úlohou učiteľa ja paralelne rozvíjať aj lingvistickú kompetenciu a konvenciu písania súhrnu v príslušnej jazykovej oblasti . Výhodou takéhoto uceleného prístupu je, že predstavuje integráciu viacerých zručností - čítania s porozumením, robenia poznámok, písania súhrnu a prispieva okrem nadobúdania lingvistickej kompetencie aj k nadobúdaniu pragmatickej a sociokultúrnej kompetencie.

Použitá literatúra

Borsuková, H. : Lingvodidaktische Aspekte der Aqneignung des Fachwortschatzes. In : KontaktSprache Deutsch. Nitra - Passau 1996.

Czereová, B. : Diagramming a Text. : More than Developing Reading Comprehension. In : Making ESP Work: New Directions. ESP Conference. Matej bell University Banská Bystrica. October 27 - 30 1994.

Dennis, G.W. - Sharp, D.W.H. : The art of Summary. Longman 1966.

Jones, L. - Alexander, R. : New International Business English. Student´s book.Cambridge University Press 1996.

Kouřilová, M. : What is Wrong with Abstracts Written by Non-Native Speakers of English ? In : ESP Working Together. 2nd Slovak ESP Conference. Technical University. Veterinary University Košice. May 30 - June 1 1996.

Mavor,W.F. : English for Business. Pitman Publishing 1988.


Príloha č. 1

Message Recovery Approaches and Exercise-Types in Practice

Our civilization depends on oil more than on any other single commodity. There seems to be almost nothing it cannot do. In the 19th century it was used as kerosene to provide light before the development of electricity. With the arrival of the internal combustion engine it became the fuel for land, sea and air transport; now it is being used in space rockets. It is the worlds principal lubricant, and in industry it is the main provider of heat and power.

Yet to burn oil is incredibly wasteful: it could be even more useful as a chemical raw material. Already it is the basis from which such diverse products as plastics, detergents, and nylon, terylene and other synthetic fibres are made. Even fertilizers and weedkillers are derived from it; and perhaps within a few years, once scientists have succeeded in tranforming laboratory experiments into full-scale production lines, it will become a major source of protein.

A country which is entirely cut off from oil cannot survive. Between 1939 and 1945 one of the major weaknesses of the German and Japanese economies was their lack of oil. This played an important part in their decisions to extend the area of conflict, and in the end was a crucial factor contributing to their defeat.

Since the war, oil has become the most important commodity in international commerce. By an accident of fate, most of the large fields are situated in the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America, and other places thousands of miles away from the main areas of consumption. Enormous fleets are needed to transport it to Europe, North America, Japan, and other industrialized countries, and oil now accounts for more than half the worlds sea-borne trade. There are more tankers in service than any other ship.

In general, the producing areas have virtually no other natural resources. They are usually either deserts, mountains or jungle. But the countries concerned now receive vast annual revenues. Moreover, in order to threaten the prosperity of countries far mor powerful than themselves, they need simply cut off their exports of oil. This is, of course, a double-edged weapon; nevertheless, it gives their governments more influence in international affairs than any comparable group of nations.

Príloha č. 1 - pokračovanie

Complete the following diagram, with information from the text:


IS IMPORTANT versatility



USES buring national most

survival important

in interna-

tional trade


1. to provide 1. plastics 1. 1. oil- 1.

light in 19 in producing

2. WW2 countries

2. fuel, eg. receive


4. fertilizers


3. 5.

4. 6. ?

(Summary completion)

· Complete this summary, using information from the text: work with a partner.

Oil is one of our most important resources. There are two reasons for this: its versatility, and ______________________________________________________.

In terms of its versatility, oil can be _______ as a fuel, to generate _______________, and as a lubricant. As a ____________________, it is used to produce ____________ ____________________________. In the future, ____________________________.

Its _________________ power can be seen in a number of ways. For example, it can _______________________: lack of oil contributed to the defeat of ______________ in WW2. Oil is also the most important commodity in international trade, with oil-producing countries receiving ____________________. And ___________________ sea-borne trade ________. Finally, ________________________________________ in world affairs.

Príloha č. 1 - pokračovanie

(Summary reorganization)

· The following summary of the text is badly organized. In pairs, reorganize and rewrite it:

Oil is one of our most important resources. The first reason is its versatility: it can be burnt as a fuel, to generate heat and power, and as a lubricant.

Oil also has economic and political power in world affairs. For example, it can determine national survival: lack of oil contributed to the defeat of Japan and Germany in WW2. Oil can be used as a chemical raw material, to produce plastics, detergents, synthetic fibres, fertilizers and weedkillers. In the future, it may even become a source of protein.

Oil is the most important commodity in international trade, with oil-producing countries receiving enormous annual reserves. And more than half the worlds sea-borne trade is oil. Finally, oil-producing countries are now extremely influential in world affairs. Oil is important, then, because of ist versatility, and its economic and political power in world affairs.

Summary Writing

(original summary, pre-teaching materials)

Oil is one of our most important resources. There are two reasons for this: its versatility, and its economic and political power in world affairs.

In terms of its versatility, oil can be burnt as a fuel, to generate heat and power, and as a lubircant. As a chemical raw material, it is used to produce plastics, detergents, synthetic fibres, fertilizers and weedkillers. In the future, it may even become a source of protein.

Its economic power can be seen in a number of ways. For example, it can determine national survival: lack of oil contributed to the defeat of Japan and Germany in WW2. Oil is also the most important commodity in international trade, with oil-producing countries receiving enormous annual revenues. And more than half the worlds sea-borne trade is oil. Finnally, oil-producing countries are now extremely influential in world affairs.

The air the dinosaurs breathed

Some fragments in amber have upset

Evolutionary ideas, writes Keith Laidler

MBER is one of the oldest gemstones known to mankind: from the sword hilts of Vikings to todays ultra-modern designs, its yellow-red, slightly greasy lustre has charmed mens souls. Amber is distributed worldwide, but the largest and most significant deposits occur in the Baltic, in Burma and in the Dominican Republic.

The Baltic amber has been mined for countless centuries and the finest pieces, flawless and without the tiny air bubbles that often mar its beauty, are worth their weight in gold. To modern day researchers in the life sciences amber is even more valuable - the information contained within the yellow jewel is literally priceless.

Unlike most other gemstones amber is organic in origin. It is fossilised resin from a number of different species of tree laid down between 40 million and 120 million years ago. Just as with some of todays trees, a cut or other trauma caused the ancient conifers to secrete a copious flow of resin, designed to harden over the wound and protect it from further injury and disease. The resin was soft and sticky when first produced and, before it hardened, many objects became embedded in its surface: pollen grains, seeds, the hair of mammals. Spiders and small insects often blundered into this natural flypaper and were graduallly engulfed in the resin flow. As the resin slowly fossilised into amber, the trapped contents were held inviolate in their jewelled time-capsule. Until a creature as inquisitive as Man had time to evolve.

Recent research on amber has swept away many cherished theories on the evolution of specific animal groups. Just last year, David Grimaldi of the American Museums department of entomology happened upon a hazlenut-sized piece of yellow amber hidden away in a drawer in the Museums basement.The amber had been collected nearby, at Kinkora, New Jersey. It was from the Cretaceous, approximately 80 million years old, and within it was what looked like a perfectly

preserved bee. But it was impossible; this amber was 80 million years old and everyone knew that the oldest bees known (found in Baltic amber) came from the Eocene, from a time only 40 million years before the present day.

The next surprise was that the bee was stingless, a specialisation that had long been believed to have evolved fairly recently, from sting-bearing bees. If the newly discovered bee was genuine, it would push the origin of the bee family further back than anyone had ever imagined, to the earliest Cretaceous, 135 million years ago.

Such a finding would also force botanists to revise their present theories about the evolution of flowering plants: bees live by gathering pollen and nectar, they could not exist without flowering plants. So, such plants must have evolved by at least 135 million years ago, far earlier than previously thought.

Wildly excited, Grimaldi sent the new bee to Charles Michener, a specialist at the University of Kansas, who examined the specimen and confirmed its identity as a stingless bee. He named it Trigona prisca (ancient Trigona). It has only one living relative among todays inhabitants of the earth: a stingless bee, also of the genus Trigona, from the forests of Central and south America.

Fifteen hundred miles to the south of New Jersey, a second piece of amber was shattering another long-held theory: that land mammals reached the islands of the Caribbean from North and South America no earlier than 100,000 years ago, and that they had arrived by rafting across the waters of the Caribbean Sea on logs and other debris. Deep in a mine in the Dominican Republic George Poinar of the University of California at Berkely discovered hair embedded in amber 40 million years old.

Parasites preserved in the hair identified the sample as coming from a rodent. Since then, mammalian hair of unidentified species has been found in five other pieces of fossilised resin. So it is now likely that the islands of the Caribbean have been inhabited by mammals for many millions of years. Instead of rafting, they almost certainly crossed dryshodded on land bridges that appeared from time to time due to sea level fluctuations.

Perhaps the most far-reaching of recent claims for ambers usefulness to science is that the bubles of low-grade amber contain ancient air, gases trapped for many mil-lions of years, as untouched as ambers embedded bees and other animals. These gases, it is claimed, can be analysed, for example, to directly determine the composition of our atmospehere when Tyrannosaurus rex still ruled the world.

Last year, Gary P. Landis of the US Geological Survey and Robert Berner of Yale crushed amber samples from the dinosaur age and found that, compared with 21 per cent for todays atmospehre, oxygen made up 30 per cent of the air during the Cretaceous. Since then, other scientists have questioned whether amber, with its rather open molecular structure and chemical reactivity, can hold atmospheric gases for such long time periods, but Gary Landis harbours no such doubts. He is “90 per cent certain“ that the air trapped within amber does give an accurate representation of ancient air at the time the prehistoric tree first exuded its resin. If so, scientists will at least have found a way to sample the earths atmosphere over truly mind-boggling time scales, literally to sniff the air that dinosaurs breathed.

Príloha č. 3

A. The preparatory “text analysis” stage



1. Bees evolved 40 Bee trapped in amber Bees must have evolved

million years ago. that was 80 million years 80 million years ago.



2. Stingless bee evolved The bee trapped in amber Bees (sting-bearing) must

fairly recently from was stingless. have evolved about

sting-bearing bees. 35 million years ago.


3. Flowering plants Bees evolved Flowering plants must have

evolved far later than 135 million years ago. evolved at least 135 million

135 million years ago. years ago.


4. No theory, but an assum- Air in the dinosaur age Is the oxygen content of air

ption that oxygen con- contained 30 % oxygen. reducing over million of

tent of air remained years?

unchanged over millions

of years.

A. Now turned into an “information vecovery“ activity.



1. Bees evolved… Bee trapped in amber Bees must have evolved

that was 80 million years …



2. Stingless bee… … Bees (sting-bearing)


3. Flowering plants Bees evolved … Flowering plants must have

evolved … evolved …


4. No theory, but an assum- … Is …

ption that oxygen con- reducing over million of

tent of air remained years?

unchanged over millions

of years.

Zdroj: Odborné konference, 24. 9. 1999

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[ Vytištěno dne: 21.05.2024 02:00