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Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 7. 10. 2009

8. 10. 2009 | Agris

Action against unmarked cheese analogs

German bakers using classical cheese as a component of their products started a campaign against cheese analogs in pizzas, rolls and other dishes. They put slogans as “We use entirely milk cheeses” they put in shop windows. One of the biggest consumer agencies residing in Hamburg joined the action for a correct marking of “artificial cheese” in finished products and in dishes in public boarding, and for example it published a list of products containing cheese analogs in which it is not clear from the marking that it is dealt with analogs.

Deadline for JZD property settlement ends in most cases this year

A deadline for settlement of property shares of members of former unified agricultural cooperatives (JZD) will end in most cases by the end of this year. The term for the settlement most likely will not be prolonged this year; a relevant law adjustment was not approved. The only chance for persons, who meantime have not came to an agreement with a succession agricultural enterprise yet, is to enter a lawsuit otherwise they will lost the claim on their property. The Ministry of Agriculture communicated it to ČTK today.

CR has joined friendly demarche of 26 member states of International Whale Commission determined for Iceland

On Friday the 2nd of October, a diplomatic demarche led by Great Britain calling attention to a continuing problem with whale hauls in Iceland was handed over to Icelandic government. At the same time the document appreciates a decision of Icelandic government to re-evaluate its approach to the whale hauls. The demarche expresses a disappointment from a decision of the former Icelandic government from January 2009 when representatives of the country authorized again the whale hauls for the period of next 5 years. This decision does not take into consideration long-term international efforts for protection of cetaceans.

Agricultural production should grow by 70 %

So that all inhabitants of our planet would have enough food in the future, according to estimations of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) agricultural production should has grown by 70 percents by 2050. FAO is carefully optimistic and assumes, according to information issued by news agency SDA, which cited a report from September FAO meeting in Roma, that the mankind should not more suffer from hungry in 2050.

Zdroj: Agris, 8. 10. 2009

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