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Summary of newspapers of the previous day –10. 12. 2009

11. 12. 2009 | Agris

Czech Niva won Czech-Slovakian battle of cheeses

The Czech Republic won a “federal” battle over Niva. Respectively south-Bohemian dairy works. “After almost two-year negotiation marathon, an imaginary scales in Czech-Slovakian dispute about South-Bohemian Niva (Jihočeská Niva) and South-Bohemian Golden Niva (Jihočeská Zlatá Niva) overbalanced to our side”, Euro-representative Jan Březina said to Deník. According to him, the Permanent Committee of EU for geographical marks and marks of origin approved Czech applications by overwhelming majority of member states. It made a decisive step for that South-Bohemian and South-Bohemian Golden Niva would become other protected Czech products in the EU.

According to FAO world food prices have got the highest over 14 months

The world food prices again increase. The FAO organization states today, according to the agency Reuters, that its food price index in November increased for the fourth times consecutively and got on 14-month maximum. However, it indicated that it does not expect more significant price jumps. “Good state of reserves and favourable perspectives for production decrease a risk of significant price growth throughout following six months”, the organization stated- An index value, which monitors price changes of food basket composed of cereals, oil plants, milk products, meat and sugar, amounted to 168 points on average last month which is the most from the last year´s September. Nevertheless, the index stays 21 percents under the maximum from last year´s June.

Europeans can themselves decide about appearance of new logo for bio-foods

Bio-foods coming from countries of the European Union will have a new unified logo from a half of next year. Own consumer can now determine its appearance by means of an internet voting which will last till January 31, next year. The internet voting about an appearance of unified logo takes place presently here. You can give your voice to one of three proposals. The competition for a unified logo for bio-products from countries of European 27 was announced by the European Commission and graphical proposal could be sent by students and graduated of schools of art from all countries of the European Union.

SZIF will manage 33,7 bil. CZK next year

The State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SZIF) will manage a sum of 33,7 billion crowns next year, most money should be used for subsidies securing the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. The draft budget was approved by the Parliament today. The budget counts on that the EU will give more than 23 billion crowns to the Fund and the state over four billion CZK. SZIF should obtain other incomes in height of 4,85 billion for example from takings for sale of raw materials from intervention purchases (2,1 billion CZK) or means of the Land or the Guarantee Funds (2,5 billion crowns).

Zdroj: Agris, 11. 12. 2009

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