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Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 4.2. 2010

5. 2. 2010 | Agris

Ministry of Agriculture starts from false economic data

The Union of Marginal Areas has documents from which it results that milk loss-making is untruthfully stated in the Czech Republic. Maybe, one would like to say - all right, mainly that we got on this base other money from the EU. However, the situation is different, on base of untruthful data the strongest Czech agricultural lobby - milk producers - decided to deprive all other farmers of money. Therefore, European money distributed on base of clear criteria will be in all probability re-distributed once more in a very untrasparent and on false data based mechanism, this time to “the right group”. Machinations in calculations are of two types - partly subsidies and partly takings are manipulated.

Representatives worked hard, they approved adjustment of transport of harmful substances for plant breeding

The Chamber of Deputies after morning written interpellations and long hours of disputes and obstructions, which accompanied negotiation in last days, approved one governmental amendment on Thursday. It was dealt with an amendment on phytosanitary care and it was accepted in the first reading. The unprecedented agreement of lawmakers was obviously enabled by apolitical character of the discussed norm and the fact that any controversial proposal are on the meeting program on Thursday which would divide the plenum and force right wing to block the Parliament with an obstruction.

Farmers consider first this year´s demonstrations

Czech farmers consider first demonstration this year. Owing to still low milk buy-out prices they could demonstrate in front of dairy works in the foreseeable future. Moreover, farmers from the region Pardubice call the management of Agrarian Chamber to organization of protest in front of shops of trade chains. Jan Veleba, the president of Agrarian Chamber said it to ČTK. According to him, most members of the Chamber is for the demonstration which hi documents with results of an inquiry among member subjects. “More than 70 percents of respondent want actions against the chains with that they will participate personally in them; the same number wants actions against dairy works with that they will participate personally in them”, Veleba stated.

Small sawmills want to leave part of wood business in state hands

Operators of small and medium sawmills associated in the Timber-processing Enterprises Association of the CR (SDP) consider as an important assumption for their further existence to leave the business with a half of state wood in the state hands. They want to enforce this pre-emptive right in the second round of new tender for forest works and wood sale of the state enterprise Lesy České republiky (LČR). LČR wants to hand over all wood to timber-harvesting firms in the tender. LČR refused the Association´s arguments as unsubstantiated.

Zdroj: Agris, 5. 2. 2010

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