- agrární portál

Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 17. 2. 2010

18. 2. 2010 | Agris

Farmers prepare demonstrations in front of supermarkets

Farmers want to organize demonstrations in front of supermarkets and the Office for protection of Competition (ÚOHS) in Brno in half of March. The actions should take place in all regional towns. Farmers want by this all-republic action to draw attention to according to them difficult state of the branch and disadvantageous conditions which trade chains determine for suppliers. Representatives of the Crisis farmer staff of the region Pardubice said it to journalists today.

Dangerous nematodes on potatoes

A gall-creative nematode Meloidogyne chitwoodi causes still more and more difficulties to Netherlandish potato growers. This quarantine pest, in spite of wide protective measures, still spreads. In 2009 newly affected areas appeared in south-east of the country. The Netherlandish growers angry with high cost for measures (e.g. cropping patterns, obligatory land analysis) require now cancelling of the quarantine status. However, a zero tolerance in planting has to stay maintained to reduce a risk of importation.

Only GMO can save agriculture

If the average temperature in tropical areas exceeds 30 centigrades, it will lead to a significant decrease in agricultural yields. The eventual increase of temperatures could have important negative consequences for the area in geographical latitude between south Europe and South Africa at this century end.

Maybe, farmer market places will rise soon in Prague

So called farmer market places, where people can buy fresh foods directly from private farmers, could rise in near future at several places in Prague. The raise of such market places, common abroad, almost not existing in the metropolis, is planned by a common project of the foundation Partnerství and the civil association Archetyp. Representatives of several city parts and farmers confirmed a serious interest in establishment of the markets to ČTK. In past, there were several market places in Prague, for example in Vinohrady, Pankrác, Smíchov and Holešovice, however, most of them were abolished.

Zdroj: Agris, 18. 2. 2010

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