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Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 23. 2. 2010

24. 2. 2010 | Agris

State Veterinary Administration will check dairy farms

The State Veterinary Administration of the CR obtained information and warning of the general health-officer about reported diarrheal diseases caused by campylobacter in a possible connection with consummation of raw non-heat-treated milk. The authorities of the state veterinary inspection will examine selected dairy farms in four campaigns (spring, summer, autumn, winter on the whole CR territory. The State Veterinary Administration of the CR, of course, on base of regulations in force checks breeders and producers of raw-materials and foods of animal origin, all according to a check plan. The main view-point is a health unobjectionability of production and human health protection.

Number of organic farmers has already reached number 3000

From actual statistic data it results that a number of organic farmers grows fast. To the December 31, 2009, the number amounted to 2 689 on the acreage almost 400 000 ha which represents a share 9.38 % from the total acreage of agricultural land. The acreage of arable land steadily increases; acreage of vineyards and orchards in organic farming grows; the first hop-gardens got in the organic agriculture regime. The number of eco-farms increased over the year 2009 by 50 %; the number of bio-food producers has already exceeded 500 premises. The main reason for the increase is a steady state support in this field.

The first milk automatic machine in Prague is in shopping center in Hostivař

Prague has the first automatic machine for milk sale. A company Agro Jesenice u Prahy opened it in the shopping center Park Hostivař today. One liter of fresh unpasteurized full-cream milk cost 20 crowns here, a customer can pay other five crowns for plastic bottle for the milk. There are tens of similar equipments in the country, however, such a machine has not been in the city till now. After dropping a coin in the automat taps cooled milk in a bought or brought bottle. A label on the automatic machines warns customers that the heat non-treated milk has to be overcooked before consummation.

Potatoes growing will probably decreased slightly owing to last year´s unprofitable harvest

Potatoes growing in the Czech Republic will decreased a bit probably because farmers did not capitalize on last year´s harvest. Farm price kept low since the autumn harvest and growers get about three CZK for a kilogram of the best ware potatoes now, the least for the last years. Therefore the Central Potatoes Growing Union of the CR expects that the trend of slight decrease of planted areas will continue. A secretary of the Union Josef Králíček said it to ČTK after today´s general meeting. The acreage of potato fields in the Czech Republic decrease since the end of 90´ s 2.5 times to last year´s 28 700 hectares. Approximately a third of potatoes is grown in Vysočina (the Highland).

Zdroj: Agris, 24. 2. 2010

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