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Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 1.3. 2010

2. 3. 2010 | Agris

Radim Zika stays on director of Land Fund

The government on its today´s meeting appointed a director of the Land Fund of the Czech Republic. The appointment happened because of a reform of the Land Fund control which had been changed by an amendment on Land Fund from collective to individual.

Antimonopoly Office suspended huge tender of Lesy for 16 billion

Lesy ČR will have to explain conditions of a giant tender for timber sale and forest works to an Antimonopoly Office. It suspended the commission for 16 billion crowns. The tender is criticized and its change or a suspension of forestry organization are required by some political parties and ecologists. Lesy ČR announced the tender at the beginning of February. Shortly after that the firm had to change its rules owing to a constraint of smaller firms. They minded that all wood would get to the competition winners. According to new conditions, ten percents of wood will be traded on public markets.

Farmers from Olomouc region decreased numbers of pigs by almost 23 percents

Farmers from Olomouc region still reduce pig numbers. At the last year´s end, agricultural businesses from the region raised 126 865 pigs, year-on-yearly almost by 23 percent less. The number of pigs decrease year-on-yearly in the entire Czech Republic; it decreased by 10.4 percents to 1.9 million pieces. It results from data of the Czech Statistic Office (CSO). According to statistics, farmers of all regions approached to the reduction of pig numbers, except the region Liberec and Moravia-Silesia. The reduction is connected, according to specialists, with the fact that pig production is unprofitable.

Fruit-growers prepares research institute for 770 mil. CZK in Holovousy

The Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology in Holovousy in Jičín region wants to build a new premises of a research institute on a green meadow in a value of about 770 million crowns including value added tax. It would like to get the money from European subsidy for which it has already asked. Now, the institute resides in rented premises of the castle Holovousy, therefore its development possibilities are very limited. A director of the institute Holovousy Václav Ludvík said it to ČTK.

Zdroj: Agris, 2. 3. 2010

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