- agrární portál

Summary of newspaper of the previous day – 8.3.2010

9. 3. 2010 | Agris

Conditions of extraordinary help to dairy sector were approved by government

The Minister of Agriculture Jakub Šebesta propounded conditions for redemption of an extraordinary aid to the government, prepared by the European Union for milk basic industry. Subsequently, the government passed these conditions. Means serves for fast help to dairy sector. In case of the Czech Republic it is dealt with 5.79 million EUR. According to European Commission regulation, the sum should be paid off fast and on base of objective criteria.

Genetically modified potatoes can on field. In Czech Republic too.

After long twelve years the European Commission issued a licence to grow a new genetically modified farm plant in Europe. Is it a breakthrough? Does it mean that genetic engineering can now conquer our fields the same way as it succeeds in it especially on the North-American continent? The answer is: Well, it is a breakthrough but it is by far not sure that new farm plants will already aim straight-line in European agriculture.

March in game keeping and hunt

This year´s winter was cruel to game, a high snow cover has made impossible for hoofed-game to find feed for long time. Deaths of hoofed-game, especially roes, were often mainly in weaker animals. Small game is endangered by floods owing to snow melting. Huntsmen expect much work now. It is necessary to check health state of game and in finding of deaths to proceed in accordance with the veterinary law. Racks have to be completed by piece salt.

Ecological subsidies for fruit-grower should be changed

The government will decide on changes of subsidies for fruit-growers today. It is a part of material on agri-environmental measures, submitted to the Cabinet for approval by the Ministry of Agriculture. The material suggests dividing the subsidy provided to organic farmers conversant fruit-growing. The subsidy will amount to 849 euro per hectare for the category intensive production orchards, then such in which fruit is grown in organic regime, without any chemicals.

Zdroj: Agris, 9. 3. 2010

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