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Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 17.3.2010

18. 3. 2010 | Agris

Production of Czech dairy works decreased by 3,25 percents last year

Czech dairy works bought and processed 2.292 billion liters of milk last year, by 3.25 percents less against the year 2008. While the production of consumption milk or yoghurts increased year-on-yearly, production of butter, cottage cheeses and cheeses decreased. It results from data presented by a director of Bohemian-Moravian Dairy Industry Union Michal Němec in March issue of a journal Moderní obchod (Modern trade). Export of crude milk for processing in foreign dairy works increased by four percents to 465 million kilograms, on the contrary its import decreased to 50 million kilograms. An average price, for which dairy-men purchased the raw material from farmers, fell almost by a third year-n-yearly.

EU member states have to return 346.5 mil. Euro for incorrect subsidies

The EU Commission states that incorrect payments appeared in many areas from fruit and vegetable growing, through production of dry feed to inexact reimbursement for export. The European Union requires that member states would return 346.5 million Euro (8.8 billion CZK) in total from agricultural subsidies which they received unjustly in the last decade. The European Commission stated that more than a third should be returned by Greece. According to an agency AFP, the requirement does not concern the Czech Republic.

Chamber of Deputies accepted amendment on water law in third reading today

An amendment on water law brings many changes that resulted from a practice and should decrease an administrative and financial burden. At the same time it brings changes which have a favourable influence on the environment and its conservation. The Chamber of Deputies passed the amendment on water law in the third reading today. It is dealt with a comprehensive collection of changes which were demanded by a development of water management almost after ten years of force of legislation and the necessity to keep engagements resulting from CR membership in the EU. The novel started to be prepared already in a half of 2007.

EU will support Caribbean banana exporters by 190 million Euros

The European Commission (EC) ratified a release of 190 million Euros (4.8 billion CZK) for help to banana exporters from African, Caribbean and Pacific states (so called AKT countries) on Wednesday. “The aim is to support exporter from AKT within adaptation to a new trade environment regarding a specific situation of each country. The measure will focus on increase of competitiveness of banana branch, a support of economic diversification, and a solution of wider impacts on the society, economy and environment”, a spokesman of Czech representation of EC Martin Stašek told to Právo.

Zdroj: Agris, 18. 3. 2010

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