- agrární portál

Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 3.8.2010

4. 8. 2010 | Agris

Minister Drobil: Klaus supports new heading of MŽP

The president Václav Klaus supports a new heading of the Ministry of Environment (MŽP) and a change of its priorities. After meeting with Klaus it was said to journalists by a new chief of MŽP Pavel Drobil (ODS). He agreed with the president on that they would still consult the ecological policy. “I want to transform the office in a normal, standard, central body of state administration. It is a ministry for life, a ministry in which we do not have to forget the man”, Drobil told.

If bee knew

It is not easy to find money of first quality on shelf of Czech supermarkets which would meet all technological regulations and requirements. Honeys are overheated, old, stored for a long time, and starch sirob and other substances are added in them instead of classical fructose and glucose which honey consists of. This all is considered as cheating of the consumer.

Agrarian Chamber of CR opens campaign for improvement of Czech agriculture image

The Agrarian Chamber of he CR opens a communication campaign from the August beginning whose aim is an improvement of image of Czech agriculture and subsequently also a higher success of inland farmers on the domestic market. Since beginning of nineties the problems of agriculture has stood back in interest of media and the public; gradually the natural relation between the farmer and other citizen as consumer of his/her products was disrupted.

Harvest will soon start for mushroom pickers

The rainy weather of last days made good to mushrooms. Mushroom pickers can start in forests. They can not wait when they carry home full baskets. The rainy weather in recent days has finished the foregoing wave of sultry weather, however, mushrooms do not grow yet in the region Most. The most popular big edible kinds are still very rare and mushroomers can knock sporadically against some amanitas and russulas. Jaroslav Landafrom the Czech Mycological Society told it.

Zdroj: Agris, 4. 8. 2010

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