- agrární portál

Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 22.3.2011

23. 3. 2011 | Agris

Import of potatoes in Czech Republic increases, self-sufficiency is away

Domestic potato production has significantly decreased in recent years, vice versa the import of this basic food has increased. The Czech Republic is no longer self-sufficient in potato growing which can have a negative impact on their price level in the future. Representatives of the Central Potato Growing Union of the CR and the Agrarian Chamber stated it. According to them Czech farmers prefer other commodities.

Minister Chalupa approved other projects in priority axis five

The Minister of Environment: “There are several definitions for the term environment. Click on the word for more information…', 300)" onmouseout=hideddrivetip() href="eslovnik/269" životní prostředí. Tomáš Chalupa signed applications for support submitted in XXII call appeal focused on limitation of industrial pollution and reduction of environmental risks. He also approved a project Canalization and Water - H2O one of the basic conditions of life on the Earth. It participates in all biochemical processes in organisms´ bodies. An important abiotic factor for a habitat evaluation

State of Czech hop growing

Czech hop growing has more than thousand-year history, is famous for its quality and exceptionality all over the world together with high-quality Czech beer, however, its development stages were not always easy and without problems. While the Czech Republic with an acreage over 17 thousand hectares of hop-gardens used to be the biggest growing country in the world at the end of 20´s of the last century, at present the area amounts to 5210 ha. In the worldwide hop production the CR takes the fourth place behind Germany, the USA and China.

Checks of traditional speciality guaranteed are veterinarians´ turn

Information that four new European Union Regulations relating to “Traditional Speciality Guaranteed” came in force to the March 14, 2011 has already passed in media. The Regulations were issued in connection with entering of meat products in the register of Traditional Speciality Guaranteed which is governed by the EC and it is dealt with Špekáčky (ssausage), Lovecký salám (salami), Spišské párky (frankfurters), and Liptovský salám (salami).

Zdroj: Agris, 23. 3. 2011

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