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Summary of newspaper of the previous day – 18. 4. 2011

19. 4. 2011 | Agris

He promised fair subsidies

European commissioner for agriculture and rural development Dacian Ciolos accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture Ivan Fuksa and the president of Agrarian Chamber of the CR Jan Veleba during his Monday visit of the Czech Republic saw over also the Zemědělské obchodní družstvo Hořice (agricultural trade cooperative) near Humpolec last week which is a representative of a large Czech agrarian firm. ZOD Hořice achieved a profit over three million crowns last year and the commissioner was interested in to see especially animal production and for the Czech Republic very typical large agrarian firm.

Moravian poultry farms are crushed by Polish competition

In spite of that people still like chicken meat, poultry farms in South Moravia experience hard time. It is because of the competition from abroad. Even if the fall is not so significant as in pigs, the chairman of Agrarian Chamber of the CR Jan Veleba is anxious. “Polish farmers complicate our lives. Thanks to an exception which they had negotiated in the European Union they can use old-fashioned procedures and methods of breeding. They are much cheaper that the modern ones, of course”, Veleba stated. The main difference in the production procedure consists in the final meat treatment.

Czech Republic and Saxon will cooperate in recovery of Krušné mountains

The Czech Republic and Saxon wants to intensively cooperate in recovery of Krušné mountains and the area of renewable energy resources. The intention was confirmed by Saxon Minister of Agriculture Frank Kupfer and a deputy-minister of Agriculture for the Common Agricultural and Fishing Policy Juraj Chmiel at a common conference on Krušné mountains this week. Czech and Saxon experts will exchange experience with production and use of energy from renewable resources. “The basic task is to find balanced used of agricultural land to secure enough fields for food-industry and energy crop-plants.”

Lesy ČR reduced significantly risk of damaging of South-Bohemian forests by wood-engraver

The amount of processed, by wood-engraver attacked wood in forest stands on the territory of South-Bohemian region administered by the state enterprise Lesy ČR decreased almost five times in 2010 against the foregoing year, so almost by record 80 %. In 2010, Lesy ČR processed only 26 600 m3 of wood affected by wood engraver in South Bohemia; in 2009 it was dealt with full 132 300 m3. “Lesy ČR practice a continual keeping of principles of integrated forest protection against wood-engraver in the long term.

Zdroj: Agris, 19. 4. 2011

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