- agrární portál

Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 24. - 26.6. 2011

27. 6. 2011 | Agris

Euro-parliament approved agricultural subsidy capping

Euro-representatives at their plenary session, which takes place this week in Strasbourg, approved an implementation of the upper limit of direct payments for farmers in dependence on a farm size. The Czech Republic which stands out against such a measure for a long time is disappointed. However, it hopes that it will manage to convince the Council of Ministers to disagree with the proposal.

Czech Republic has become signatory of so called Nagoya Protocol

The Czech Republic has become a signatory of a new multilateral environmental agreement: Nagoya protocol on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (further only “Protocol”). The Protocol was adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its tenth meeting on 18-29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. On base of the government decree No. 269 from 13 October 2011, the Protocol was signed on behalf of the CR on 23 June 2011 by Ing. Edita Hrdá, the ambassadoress and permanent representative of the Czech Republic at the United Nation Organization in New York.

Czech Republic will be out of apples this year, frosts were fatal

Damages to this year´s fruit crop will be over a half of milliard crowns owing to spring frosts. The fruit harvest will be the lowest since 1984 from when harvests are monitored, and obviously the lowest over the last 50 years. A chairman of the Fruit Grower Union of the CR Martin Ludvík opened it. Fruit growers in their prognosis start from an harvest estimation made in intensive orchards to the 15th of June.

Price land decreases in region; fertile black soil is carried away by water and wind

The land in the south of Moravia is no more so fertile as before. Therefore its price has decreased in recent years. Many South-Moravians lose money and not knowing about it. It will takes tens and hundreds years than the landscape will recover from the devastation. The land around Bořitov in the region Blansko is so thoroughly rinsed by rains in recent years that plants do not prosper like before there.

Zdroj: Agris, 27. 6. 2011

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