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Summary of newspaper of the previous day – 26.7. 2011

27. 7. 2011 | Agris

China will free part of reserves of pig meat owing to inflation growth

China will free a part of strategic reserves of pig meat for needs of its internal market. In this way it wants to fight against high inflation. The inflation climbed up to its three-year maximum in June and reached 6.4 percents. Pig meat is the most often sold kinds of meat in China. China will free the reserves irregularly according to needs and the market situation. Pig meat prices have increased in China since last year´s March owing to growing corn price and impacts of last year´s epidemic which hit some pig farms. After its outbreak also dropouts in supply appeared temporarily. Price growth of basic foods in China was already several times in the past the reason for civil disorder.

Triumph of Czech scientists: They read barley genome. Will it damage also pests and mould?

Scientists revealed the barley genetic map. Now it remains only to find out which gene determines a bigger spike and resistance against pests. According to scientists it is not so difficult. The bred barley should be used by brewery industry. Barley with bigger spikes which will be damaged neither pests nor moulds. Till recent time it was a dream of many farmers. Now only a small step remains so that new “better barley” would start to be grown. Czech scientists participated in it significantly. As the first in the world they have read the barley genom. Thanks to this they determined a position on each of seven chromosomes, which barley has, and created a detailed map of all 22 thousand genes. It is dealt with the widest research of this crop. “It last one year and half but we continue in pieces of knowledge collected during many foregoing years”, Jaroslav Doležel from the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences tells.

Forest owners improved their economic situation last year

Management of forest owners, the state, municipal and private ones, significantly improved last year after a sharp drop of economic results in 2008 and 2009. The biggest year-on-year increase in economic results was recorded in state forests. It results from the “Report on state of forests and forest management of the Czech Republic in 2010”. “The improvement of economic situation of forest owners influenced above all revival of demand for raw wood with a significant increase in average prices of decisive assortments. Thanks to this revival and also growing wood consumption the wood-processing industry could offer forest owners significantly higher prices for deliveries of raw wood”, the Minister of Agriculture Ivan Fuksa stated.

New poultry giant grew in Brazil

A concern Brazil Foods gained a permission for acquisition of companies Sadia and Perdigao from an antimonopoly office, however, it has to meet several conditions. Brazilian Antimonopoly Office agreed the takeover of the companies Sadia and Perdigao, dealing with poultry sale on the market, by the concern Brasil Foods (BRF). This act eased a way to a rise of the biggest poultry exporters in the global scale. The company Scadia was overtaken already in 2009 by the company Perdigao, nevertheless, Brazilian authorities have not issued any permission in this matter till this time as Swiss information service “lid” informed.

Zdroj: Agris, 27. 7. 2011

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