- agrární portál

Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 11.1. 2018

12. 1. 2018 | Agris

I will moderate tidbit decree. It is extreme, repression never helps, new minister says

The new Minister for Education Robert Plaga (ANO) would like to moderate so called tidbit decree at the beginning of next school year which has forbidden to offer unhealthy foods in snack bars and food vending machines at primary schools and first stage of multiannual gymnasiums already for a year.

Honey breakfast 2018 for schools and kindergartens

Already the 4th year of project Honey breakfast is organized with the Ministry of Agriculture. The event is traditionally determined for kindergartens and the first stage of primary schools. The project will newly takes place during the whole year 2018.

Norwegian milk will have new indication of shelf life – it is not bad after

An amount with milk in Norway will have a new indication of shelf life soon. In order to prevent wasting, the dairy works Tine decided to add an annex “but not bad after” to a notice “minimum shelf life till” followed by a date of recommended consumption on packages of its products.

Test of soft drinks: cheap light colas contain a little amount of caffeine but much chemicals

A two-litre bottle of the cheapest light cola costs unbelievable 5.50,- CZK – a glass for 70 hellers. However, the content corresponds with the price: a mixture of sweeteners, colour and preservation agent were criticized by jury tasters.



Zdroj: Agris, 12. 1. 2018

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