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Summary of newspapers of the previous day – 12.2.2020

13. 2. 2020 | Agris

Safe meat? Freeze even meat from bio-farm, expert advices

Czech scientists came with a surprising finding: there is practically no difference between common and bio-farms. At least considering the parasites. Animals in both types of breeding have worms. This remains the case even that employees on common farm give antihelmintics to the cattle more often.

Biscuit producer in Lovosice invested in increase in capacity

A biscuit producer Mondelez increased production capacity in a factory in Litoměřice region. The company invested in renovation of two of five lines more than 155 million crowns. ČTK informed about it.

Farmers are concerned about amendment of building law restricting development of family farms

The Private Farmers Association of the CR (PFA CR) welcome efforts to accelerate authorization procedure in buildings, nevertheless it is afraid that this step is unfortunately only a populistic front for a completely different intention of the building law amendment. The present proposal for a solution will necessarily lead to centralization of decision makers and will tie hand to towns and villages.

Cheap meat for couple of euros irritates German farmers; even government deals with the problem

German farmers find themselves between two mill wheels. Environmentalists and a reform of agriculture that should protect the environment in Germany on one side and from the other side they are crushed by aggressive price policy of discount shops and consumers who got used to meat for a couple of euros. The matter is now solved also by the German government.

Zdroj: Agris, 13. 2. 2020

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